
Poor Circulation

Poor Circulation

Poor circulation can be very unpleasant. It can occur in men, women and children. If it isn’t handled, it can lead to a lifetime of discomfort and even more serious problems. There are things you can do to help and even cure this problem.

Introduction – What is Poor Circulation?

Problems start once blood flow become restricted to certain parts of the body. Often people notice it at the extremities of the body such as the toes or fingers. However, it can affect everywhere.

One common cause is a build up of plaque on the insides of the blood vessels and capillaries.

This is usually caused by fat build-up on the inner cell walls.

In mild situations this can just cause a little discomfort. However, if it worsens it can become rather serious.

Some of these more serious conditions can be high blood pressure, heart problems, hypertension, organ damage, strokes, varicose veins, kidney issues, and other blood restriction difficulties which may arise.

As well as these “diseases” or potentially life threatening problems, there is also the more mundane problems caused by poor circulation. One that is not often mentioned by specialists is the simple day to day living of eating food and getting your body to properly process its basic nutrition requirements.

The blood circulation system is the prime method of getting needed nutrients to the cells of the body. If blood flow in an area is poor then the cells will find it very difficult to get all of the food nutrients and energy they need to absorb to enable the body to operate in a healthy manner.

What are the Symptoms and the Causes of Poor Circulation?

There are many different types of symptoms which can indicate poor circulation. Apart from the discomfort a person may feel each day, there are potentially more serious consequences, so it is important to look into this properly. Here’s more information:

There are even more symptoms than these mentioned here, but some of the most common ones include the following:

  • Cold feet and toes – not just in winter time
  • Cold hands and fingers
  • Feeling numb in certain parts of the body especially the extremities
  • Feeling tired or having a lack of energy much of the time
  • Some hair loss can be because of bad blood flow
  • Having regular dizzy spells
  • If your skin gets dry even though you drink plenty of water
  • Swelling and water retention – especially in the feet
  • Lumps in blood vessels and varicose veins
  • Some headaches can be due to this
  • Cramps and pins and needles
  • Feeling short of breath at times
  • Blotches and blemishes in the skin
  • Poor blood flow to the brain may affect memory

Are there any common causes of poor circulation?

Though not as common as it used to be, smoking is a sure fire reason for this. It may not be easy, but you should quit.

Years and years of no exercise can lead to bad circulation. It doesn’t happen overnight but usually creeps up on a person. However, you can improve things fairly quickly if you DO something about it.

Eating too much junk food which usually leads to being overweight is also a prime reason. Start making some lifestyle changes. Even little ones at first can lead to quick improvements.

Work related issues, such as sitting too long at a computer for years can cause these problems. Especially if you don’t take regular breaks or exercise a few times a week.

Give yourself a few minutes off every couple of hours. This can really help loosen up your muscles and get things moving a little.

Get more information about poor circulation on these other pages. They only take a few minutes to read and hopefully you will find some tips you can use straight away.

You can do something about it, but you do have to make some effort and stay focused. It will be worth it and you should start to notice some changes quite quickly and you should start to feel more energetic and have less discomfort:

Here Are Some Treatments For Poor Circulation

Circulatory difficulties can be treated with medication. However, we usually recommend a more natural approach if at all possible. Many medications can be effective but there can be numerous side effects and this method doesn’t usually handle the underlying cause in most cases.

The approach we like to suggest is a more natural one. There are usually many lifestyle changes that one can implement which will have a greater positive effect long term.

This can involve dietary changes as well as getting more exercise to help improve the blood flow around the body.

There are also a number of brilliant herbs which have been shown to have a great effect at improving circulation.

The four main herbs which have been proven to have a positive effect include cayenne, garlic, ginkgo biloba and ginger.

Some of the simple dietary changes that you can make include adding more fibre to your diet. Try eating more fruit and vegetables each day. Another thing you can do is to drink more fresh water at least 5 or 6 glasses.

Try to reduce any coffee or tea intake. You don’t have to stop drinking them completely, but certainly you should cut down if your intake is more than two cups a day.

Alcohol can also have a detrimental effect on your blood circulation. Once again, in moderation alcohol is fine. However, it is something you should consider cutting down on if it does affect you and you know you are drinking too much.

Other Possible Natural Remedies

Apart from the key herbal remedies mentioned above, there are other possibilities and holistic treatments. These include hydrotherapy, reflexology, yoga and stretching, acupuncture and massage.

More Tips that may be of Benefit

  • Try going for some gentle exercise each day. This can be a walk, house work,swimming or anything that is not too strenuous to start with. Within a few weeks the improvements can be quite dramatic.
  • Don’t go overboard with exercise, especially if your circulation is poor. But once you are up to it, do something that is a bit of a challenge that will get your blood pumping and out of breath.
  • Start eating a healthy, well balanced diet. Keep your cholesterol under control by cutting out unnecessary fats.
  • Consider taking some omega 3 fish oils. This can be as a supplement or you can add more oily fish to your diet.
  • If you smoke – then quit! If you are serious about improving your health then you can’t smoke. It is as simple as that!
  • Use a hot water bottle when you get cold, especially for your feet. We suggest you also use a hot water bottle cover so that you don’t hurt your skin if it is too hot. It also stays warmer for longer this way too.
  • Use hot and cold treatment. This involves putting the affected body part in the warmth and then alternating it with something colder. This could be a bowl of warm water and a different bowl of colder water.

    Or you can use a warm water bottle and a packet of frozen peas etc. Just alternate between the two for 30 seconds or so at a time for each. Just remember: Not too hot – Not too cold. Be sensible.

  • Wear extra socks to keep warmer. BUT make sure they are not too tight. You don’t want to restrict the blood flow even more. It can be rather surprising just how much warmer your toes can feel with an extra pair of socks on.
  • You can also try some relaxation techniques such as a little meditation or listening to music. This can be very soothing and can really lift your spirits and reduce stress levels.
  • Try to not stay too long in one position such as sitting at an office desk etc. Take a break at least every hour or so. Even for just a minute and go and stretch your legs a little.

See these other pages for more information to help you. These short articles can really make a difference, but we also suggest that you seek the appropriate medical advice if you need to:

A Great Way to Help Poor Circulation

Some of the pages on this website offer some useful information about how you can improve circulation to various parts of the body. Many of these are external solutions. As well as this, you need to consider internal help as well.

This is why this internal circulation formula was developed. It works in harmony with the external treatments you can carry out yourself to try and improve matters..

The Circulation Formula is available in easy to take capsules. There are four ingredients: Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba and Cayenne.

The capsules are made from vegetable cellulose and so are also 100% suitable for vegetarians and vegans. They contain no other added ingredients. No fillers, no binders, no added sugar, no preservatives or artificial colorings.

Gentle and effective help to get your blood moving

These capsule contain the 4 best herbs for poor circulation and nothing else. There are no fillers, no binders and nothing artificial. This is the only formula available for circulation that can promise this!

Each tub of capsules contains 120 capsules. The capsules are made from vegetable cellulose and so are also suitable for vegetarians.

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